Brock’s Academy Blog
Nurture your child's passion for learning. As I suggested in previous blog posts, Keeping Your Child's Love for Learning Alive, now more than ever, it is critical to raise your child in an environment that nurtures their natural passion for learning, allows for choice and helps them discover and follow their passions.
It is normal for kids to feel a little nervous before a big test. However, if their anxiety level begins to affect their health, their attitude, and their grades, it should be cause for concern.
Children love to learn. In fact, you can't stop them from learning; it's inherent in their very being.
They bounce through their first handful of years tasting, smelling, touching, and listening to everything they possibly can; they are authentically in love with learning.
We are our beliefs. Everything we think, do, and say reflects what we believe. This is a powerful idea to consider when you're working so hard to make sure your child is getting the best possible education.
While organization is a skill that comes naturally to some kids, others must work a little harder as this area of their brain may still be developing. If your child is struggling with schoolwork organization, have no fear; there are a host of strategies you can put in place that will help your child with their development of strong organizational skills.
As the end of the school year draws near, the words on every student's lips are "I can't wait until summer!" Students work hard all year, and an extended break from school can recharge their batteries and renew their enthusiasm for learning.
We're living in stressful times. Whether we're aware of it or not, stress affects learning.
It's that time already, some of you may have students who are bringing home their first report cards/progress reports of the school year. Are you and your child satisfied with the results?
When a student is driven to learn by the natural passion underlying an interest area amazing learning occurs. This is universal wisdom. Kids know it. Educators know it. And parents know it.
Learning via interest area is human nature. It's how our brain & heart work. Interest areas not only develop our mind, but they feed our spirit.
Speak words of confidence and self-worth to your children; those words will stay with them always.
It's hard to believe, but there are only a few weeks left of summer and a new school year is on the horizon. How are your kids feeling about the upcoming school year?
Years ago, when my oldest son was in 1st grade, I received a phone call from his teacher to tell me he was having difficulty learning to read and they suspected he may have a learning disability.